Månad: May 2022
New article about the HD research in Lund
2022-05-24An article about Åsa Petersén's research on early symptoms in Huntington disease is published in the latest issue of Vetenskap & Hälsa (Science & Health). You find the full article on the magazine's website (in Swedish only): Huntingtons – en komplex hjärnsjukdom som påverkar rörelser, tankar och känslor
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About Huntington Disease on Swedish radio
2022-05-17Huntington disease is the topic of today's episode of the radio program Kropp & Själ, Body & Mind, on Sveriges Radio, the Swedish public service radio. The dilemma of genetic testing is one of the aspects of the disease discussed in the program, where Åsa Petersén is a guest. You can access today's episode on Sveriges Radio's website: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/huntingtons-sjukdom-den-felande-genen (in Swedish only)
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May is Huntington Disease Awareness Month
2022-05-11Raising awareness of Huntington Disease and all the people affected by the disease is the aim of the Huntington Disease Awareness Month. Joint efforts are made globally by the HD community. The Swedish newspaper Expressen published an article on how life with HD can be: https://www.expressen.se/halsoliv/halsa/sjukdomar--besvar-1/huntingtons-sjukdom-sa-lever-tess-47-efter-diagnosen/
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