
Webinar “Research Updates for the Nordic Countries”

For the second time, the European Huntington Association/Moving Forward initiative for the Nordic countries will be hosting a webinar on research updates. The Webinar will be held on 11th June, from 18:00 CET to 19:15 CET. You need to register beforehand to be able to join. Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkdeyupz4oH9KRCnkguo_KMuS0Y6… Åsa Petersén will be talking about what is ongoing in Sweden when it comes to HD research. All in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. All welcome!
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See Sofia Bergh’s talk on HD!

In March 2024 Sofia Bergh, PhD student in TNU, gave two presentations on Huntington disease during the NMT Days. The NMT Days is an annual event, arranged by the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. A week of talks and demonstrations on a variety of topics show today’s research, and students in upper secondary school and their teachers are the audience. Sofia's talk is now available…
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Petersén gave HD talk in Stockholm

Åsa Petersén gave a talk about Huntington disease and her research for the patients' organization, RHS, in Stockholm on 12 March 2024, where she was invited.
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Sofia Bergh presented at the NMT Days

Sofia Bergh, PhD student in TNU, gave two presentations on Huntington disease on 11 and 12 March 2024 during the NMT Days. This is an annual event, arranged by the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. A week of talks and demonstrations on a variety of topics show today’s research, and students in upper secondary school and their teachers are the audience. Link to the NMT…
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Petersen and Widner give talks at the National meeting for HD in Sweden!

At the National meeting for HD in Sweden, on 30 November 2023, Petersen and Widner gave talks about research and treatment guidelines. Read more and see the film from the meeting    
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Watch the webinar!

Now you can watch the European Huntington Association/Moving Forward Team's webinar here on our site! You find it under Talks & Movies: Talks & Movies
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Welcome to the National meeting on HD 30 November 2023

The patients' organization Riksförbundet Huntingtons sjukdom invites you to the National meeting in Gothenburg on 30 November 2023. The program offers update about the latest HD research, information about medical guidelines and much more. In Swedish only. Sign up latest on 21 November 2023 by sending an email to: info@huntington.se Link to the program Nationellt möte 2023-11-30 in pdf format (pdf, 385 kB)
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Welcome to HD webinar on 22 November 2023

Curious about HD research and wish to learn more? The European Huntington Association/Moving Forward Team is inviting you to a webinar in Norwegian on 22 November. Astri Arnesen, the President of the European Huntington Association, will speak about international HD research, Lasse Pihlstrøm, a Norwegian HD neurologist and researcher, will address HD studies and trials in Norway, and Åsa Petersén, HD neuropsychiatrist and researcher, will talk about HD research in Sweden. Read more and register…
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Welcome to info night on HD on 22 April 2024!

Welcome to info night on HD on 22 April 2024! The program for next year's information evening on Huntington disease is now final! Staff from the clinical team and representatives from the patients' organization, RHS, as well as HD researchers, will give talks about different aspects of the the disease and the current research. And, as always, there will be fika! Please note that all will be in Swedish only.   When? Monday 22 April…
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Film about Huntington disease

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has now published a film about Huntington disease with Åsa Petersén! In 2020 Petersén was appointed Wallenberg Clinical Scholar, a grant over five years. Clinical Scholar is awarded researchers who combine their research with clinical duty. Klick on the link to see the film: https://huntingtoncentrum.se/en/talks-movies/
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