Talks & Movies

Petersen and Widner gave talks about research and treatment guidelines at the National meeting for HD in Sweden!

The National meeting for HD is a yearly event arranged by the patients’ organization RHS. This year, 2023, it took place in Gothenburg on 30 November. Both Åsa Petersén and Håkan Widner gave talks at the meeting, and all talks are available on RHS website.

Åsa Petersén’s talk on recent research is about 13 minutes into the film, and you find Håkan Widner’s talk on treatment guidelines 1 hour and 33 minutes into the recording.

Link to RHS website, where you find the film


The webinar from 22 November 2023, organized by the European Huntington Association/Moving Forward Team, is now available on YouTube. You can listen to Astri Arnesen, the President of the European Huntington Association, Lasse Pihlstrøm, HD neurologist and researcher, and Åsa Petersén, HD neuropsychiatrist and researcher. The film below starts with Åsa Petersén’s talk, but it is possible to see the entire webinar from start. All in Norwegian and Swedish.


Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has, in cooperation with Åsa Petersén, produced a film about Huntington disease and Petersén’s research on HD.


The Swedish patients’ organization for Huntington’s Disease, RHS (Riksförbundet Huntingtons sjukdom), arrange a yearly national meeting. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 meeting was digital. The films below were made in September 2020. Published by courtesy of Riksförbundet Huntingtons Sjukdom. All films are in Swedish.

To view the Swedish subtitles, please click the button “CC” in the control bar (third from right) and choose “Svenska”.

From RHS’s national meeting in September 2020: Åsa Petersén on the latest international research and clinical trials and treatment.
Please note that there have been updates regarding the clinical trials described in this presentation since September 2020.

From RHS’s national meeting in September 2020: Sanaz Gabery talks about novel research on the brain’s electrical insulation system.

From RHS’s national meeting in September 2020: Maria Björkqvist’s lecture on metabolism in Huntington’s disease.

From RHS’s national meeting in September 2020: A visit to our Huntington research lab.


Each year the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, together with the health care organization Region Skåne and the Eric K. Fernström Foundation, organize the Research Day in Malmö and Lund. In 2019 the theme for the Research Day was mental illness, and Åsa Petersén was one of the scientific organizers.

See Åsa Petersén’s talk at the Research Day 2019: Link to her talk (in Swedish only)

In September 2018 the patients’ organizations in Ireland and Northern Ireland, arranged a joint conference in Ireland. In addition, they also held a skills development day for staff in the healthcare sector. Åsa Petersén gave a lecture on Huntington’s disease, for both patients and staff. See her lectures here: